Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Be the change you want to see.

Are you who you want to be?

I want you to ask yourself this. It doesn't matter who you are. ARE YOU WHO YOU WANT TO BE? Some of you will hesitantly say yes but some of you know who have found this post know that you're not and you're using Google probably as a source of self help. Nobody can help you quite like you can help yourself simply because you know what you need more than anybody out there. You know what will make you happy with yourself better than ANYBODY! 

We as humans tend to over complicate things that are meant to be simple. You want to be healthier? Take steps of progression toward whatever it is that is making you unhealthy. Granted some things can't just be fixed but you have to do the work it takes to get there. Am I right or am I right? You will never get anywhere with a "I'm stuck like this attitude". It took time to get there and it will take time to get out of there.

Change your attitude!

I cannot write about this enough. Change your attitude. Your attitude is LITERALLY everything! It will make you or break you. Even if you have to fake it at first. When I was first in therapy she gave me something to say to myself every morning before I left for school and it said, "I am beautiful. I am smart. I know who I am and nothing can change that." I had a really hard time telling myself these things at first because I didn't believe them about myself but overtime the words would pop into my head and I started to see what I was saying as a true fact! We are all these things in our own individual ways! 

Another thing I want to see more of in your attitude is a whole heck of a lot of gratitude. Appreciate all the little things you have even if you don't don't see it as a lot because I guarantee there is somebody out there who would kill for what you have. If you can't appreciate the little things then how are you going to appreciate the relationships you have with people who love you and if you're like me the religious beliefs you have. You may appreciate them but not like you will if you can just take a second out of your day to be thankful for your food, water, and shelter.

I used to date this guy who always saw his problems as like the end of the world. He ended up breaking it off with me but then he felt sorry for himself. What? How does that make any sense? Then he texts me a month later telling me about his relationship problems and me trying to be nice listened to him and tried to help him but eventually I just said, "You need to change your attitude" and so that's what I'm saying to you.

Change your attitude! Change it now! 

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